Phase II of the Chambers Reservoir project consisted of upgrading an existing earthen raw water storage reservoir and fabricating and installing a 45 Mil Black / Tan - N45BT (Scrim reinforced LLDPE.) with a 16oz. geotextile underlayment for protection. Furthermore, 6,600 LF of black safety ladders were installed in various spots around the perimeter to ensure safety while accessing or egressing the reservoir.
The use of the scrim reinforced LLDPE greatly reduced slope creep & wrinkles at the toe of slope that is common for reservoirs of this size. Furthermore, the use of intermittent berms across the floor prevented erosion and subgrade issues from rain events throughout the installation process.
Large prefabricated panels gave Raven the ability to maximize production and shorten the overall installation time greatly - something that was crucial to beat owner deadlines and the fall / winter weather common for Colorado.