30-Year Review of Subtitle D
July 25, 2024

On December 1, 2023, the Featured Technical Topic during the FGI Monthly Members Teleconference was “Discussion of Subtitle D”. This topic generated significant discussion with one of the main “take-aways” being creation of a subcommittee titled: “Subtitle D and CCR Subcommittee” to identify various Subtitle D requirements that might be clarified, updated, and/or improved. As a result, the main objectives of this subcommittee are to discuss/identify:
(1) What existing Subtitle D provision(s) or language is prohibiting/limiting new technologies or making options harder to use, such as, language that is hard to understand or implement.
(2) What is missing from Subtitle D provision(s) or language that allows for or results in failed containment systems.
In each case, it is desirable to provide actual cases that illustrate the limitation(s) of Subtitle D.
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